The year is 1993. Bill Clinton just became president, “Got Milk?” became a cultural touchstone, and Michael Jackson was just accused of engaging in sexual activities with a teenage boy. Also, some movies were released -some more memorable than others. These are the others.



  1. Falling Down
  2. Cronos
  3. Fire in the Sky
  4. Freaked
  5. Romeo is Bleeding
  6. The Good Son
  7. King of the Hill
  8. So I Married an Axe Murderer
  9. Sliver
  10. Last Action Hero


  1. Groundhog Day Weekend at Bernie’s II
  2. The Secret Garden
  3. Robin Hood: Men in Tights
  4. Tombstone Dave
  5. Last Action Hero
  6. The Man Without a Face
  7. Cool Runnings A Far Off Place
  8. The Sandlot Super Mario Bros
  9. Demolition Man
  10. Rookie of the Year


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