#29 – Games: Last Man Standing, 28 Words Later
James and Zach zip through another set of 5 letters of the alphabet in a round of Last Man Standing, then play everyone’s favorite game 28 Words Later, complete with a surprising outcome.
James and Zach zip through another set of 5 letters of the alphabet in a round of Last Man Standing, then play everyone’s favorite game 28 Words Later, complete with a surprising outcome.
James and Zach answer a pair of listener emails, then review the new Godzilla reboot.
James attempts to keep up with Zach in another round of Last Man Standing, then the guys play a round of everyone’s favorite game 28 Words Later.
Zach and James discuss the latest superhero flick Spider-Man 3, compare and contrast the “Amazing” series against Sam Raimi’s original Spidey trilogy, then round out the discussion of director Marc Webb’s first film 500 Days of Summer.
Zach and James solidify the rules of Last Man Standing (aka will James ever earn a letter?) and attempt to get back in the groove with an old favorite during a limp round of 28 Words Later.
Join Zach and James as they force each other to watch two films they’ve never seen of the other’s choosing.
James attempts to list the films scored by John Williams in a quick game of Total Recall, we revist last weeks game Last Mad Standing, and close out the show with a speed round of 90’s Movie Trivia.
Join James and Zach as they sift through the first year of the 90’s search for one of the best Mel Gibson actioners, quirky Leslie Neilson parodies, rare animated mashup drug warnings, and other (generally) forgotten films from 1990!
Did he or didn’t he?! Zach tries to name the films of Harrison Ford in order of release (with correct punctuation) from memory and fails (or does he?). Plus, we test out two – yes, that’s two – new movie games.
Zach and James take on the new Wally Pfister sci-fi flick Transcendence (Executive Produced by Christopher Nolan). Will it live up to expectations?
James tests his memory of Tom Hanks films in a tense game of Total Recall, then James and Zach try to lie their way through through a few rounds of Movie Bluff.
James and Zach get all patriotic on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, then rank all nine of the existing Marvel universe films.
Join James and Zach as they discuss the new Bible-actioner Noah, discuss the family of trailers that played before the film, and speed-rank the films of Darren Aronofsky.
Zach takes his second and last stab at naming the 57 theatrically-released films of Alfred Hitchcock from memory, in order, with year of release and correct punctuation. Can he do it? Plus we play another round of our new game Movie Bluff!
James & Zach discuss the new sci-fi wannabe Divergent, and wrap up with a quick run-through of YA-to-film adaptations past and future.
Listen as James attempts to list the films of Alfred Hitchcock, in order, with year of release and correct punctuation. Also, we try out a new game – Film Bluff!
In this episode we discuss the Top 10 Movies that were released in March and argue the merits of the Tom Hanks/Shelly Long comedy Money Pit, among other things.
In this episode we rename our new Friday Fun show to Freaky Friday, Zach gives it the old Junior College try at memorizing the films of Alfred Hitchcock, and we play a middling game of 28 Words Later (formerly 30 Words).
In this episode we dissect the sequel (side-quel?) 300: Rise of an Empire, then run down a quick list of notable sword-and-sandals movies.
In our first of (hopefully) many Friday Fun shows we play a rousing game of 30 Words, because of course we do.
In this episode we discuss the 86th Annual Oscar telecast, review host Ellen’s performances, run down our show highlites and lowlights, and reveal who won our show Oscar pool. This on is *actually* under an hour!
In this episode we reveal our predictions for each of the televised categories of the 86th Academy Awards nominees, then finish of the fun with a quick round of Oscar trivia. Oh, and this one is *actually* under an hour!
In this episode we rank the Last 10 movies we watched, test James’ ability to remember the filmography of Tim Burton, and close out with another winning game of 30 Words!
In this episode we reboot the discussion on the new Robocop remake, test Zach’s ability to remember the filmography of the Coen Bros, run down a list of our favorite films that feature at least one robot, and close out with another sobering game of 30 Words!
In this episode we rundown the AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movies with special guest Kyle, test James’ ability to remember the filmography of David Twohey, and close out with a sobering game of 30 Words!