#73 – The Rover, The One I Love, Coherence (w/ Josh & Valery)

Zach and James are joined by special-guests Josh & Valery as they play a round of “You Name It, We Watch It” in which three of us picked a movie, we all watched all three of them – and then we talked about them. Films discussed include post-collapse Australian film The Rover, the twisty romantic comedy The One I Love, and the equally twisty mumble-core sci-fi flick Coherence. Spoilers abound so tread lightly! Follow Josh: Twitter   Subscribe: iTunes / RSS

#70 – Top 10 Last 10 (w/ Luke)

Special-guest Luke joins Zach and James as they rank the last 10 films they have seen in order of preference. Films mentioned include a gang of horror-comedies, six listener recommendations, and one of us watches ¡Three Amigos! for the first time. Plus, Zach makes a personal revelation related to Christina Aguilera’s hit song Genie In a Bottle!

#68 – Don’t Look Back (w/ Director William Dickerson)

Zach and James welcome special-guest William Dickerson, director of the new suspense-thriller Don’t Look Back, to the show. The guys discuss the making of William’s new film, working with wrestling legend Rowdy Roddy Piper, his first two films, a few of his favorite directors and much more!

#65 – Games: Me Myself & iRate, The Hustler

James and Zach play for pride in our new rating/memory game Me Myself & iRate, we learn a little-know personal tidbit about Zach, have an epic argument over how to rate movies on Letterboxd, and then roll the dice on quick couple of rounds of The Hustler. This is a fun one, a great entry episode into our Friday movie games tradition! Follow us on Letterboxd: James / Zach

#64 – Top 10 Last 10

James and Zach rank the last 10 movies they’ve seen – featuring a documentary on VHS collectors, a cheesy tell-all TV movie of a cheesy live-action 90’s TV show, Kevin Bacon’s renegade gymnastic dancing, an art-house film featuring an awkward alien seductress – and a whole lot more!

#63 – Games: James Bond Trivia Special (w/ Scotty)

James Bond expert Scotty becomes the first-ever guest to take the Total Recall challenge, then he tests the series knowledge of Zach & James via a series of Bond-related trivia games – and then gets put to the test himself with a barrage of nearly impossible questions from Zach.

#62 – James Bond Special (w/ Scotty)

James Bond connoisseur and special-guest Scotty walks through his experience watching every entry of the legendary spy-series as he and the guys drinks martinis and discuss the 6 seminal Bond films he hand-picked for them to watch.

#57 – Games: Outta Time, The Hustler

Zach and James test the speed of their respective movie memories in a challenging round of Outta Time, then all bets are off in the inaugural round of their new game The Hustler (game title open for suggestions).

#50 – Jarrett Heather (Director of “Word Crimes” by Weird Al Yankovic), Top 5 Computer Villains

Everybody shut up! … while Zach and James interview Jarret Heather, director of parody-legend Weird Al Yankovic’s music video “Word Crimes”. Discussion includes how Jarrett came to work with Mr. Yankovic, the process behind creating the kinetic-typography-based video, Jarrett’s love of Tron and direct connection to 2010’s Tron Legacy, and we round out the show with a quick list of the Top 5 Movie Computer Villains. Go buy Weird Al’s new album Mandatory Fun – it’s current #1 on the Top 200 Billboard chart! Follow Jarret Heather: Website – Twitter Subscribe: iTunes / RSS