#93 – The Great Star Wars Experiment, Caddyshack (w/ Dave C.)

Our good friend and Caddyshack expert Dave had never seen a Star Wars movie, despite having been about 14 years old when the original film was released in 1977. We asked him to chat with us about the film, watch the film for the very first time (non-special edition, of course), and then chat with us again. Also, we talk lots of Caddyshack.

#79 – Interstellar, Top 9 Christopher Nolan Films (w/ Mohsen)

James and Zach are joined by special-guest and Batman expert Mohsen as they discuss the intricacies of Christopher Nolan’s new space-epic Interstellar, rank the films of the famed director, and then play a surprise movie game. And don’t forget to stick around after the closing music for our Interstellar spoiler discussion!